Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little Tuesday Woo

Here's a viewpoint you don't see every day (at least, you don't if you read in the same affordable housing circles I do). A pro-gentrification argument from Worcester, singing the praises of our Michael Capuano.

From Paulie's Point of View -
Each Congressmen has been heavily involved in the gentrification of Southie and Somerville, two communities today that are attracting young professionals, young families, holding onto their own native sons and daughters as well as being huge attractions to the baby boomahs who are now downsizing and moving from the burbs back to these urban enclaves and from all over the country. BOTH cities are classic examples of modern day urban living environments.... Urban Worcester needs some of this gentrification and it's leaders most particular Congressman McGovern in my opinion need some good advice on how to lead WooTown in this direction!

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