Monday, October 13, 2008

Replacement for Bickford's moving in

Reposting this excellent news from georgy at Davis Square Live Journal. Now let's hope Shaw's takes form sometime this decade.

13 October 2008 @ 10:24 am
Winter Hill, but hey: Replacement for Bickford's moving in
Bread and Co., which has a location in Everett, will be taking the place of the recently departed (and not at all missed) Bickford's on Broadway in Winter Hill:

From the menu on this site, it looks like mostly Brazilian pastries and sandwiches, but the signage on the building mentioned "Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner," so perhaps they are expanding their fare in this location. I would be psyched to have a real breakfast place within a stone's throw of my house (no offense to the Neighborhood and the Ball Sq., but they are a sliiiight hike).

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